Tue 12 Nov. 2019
Barclay Academy School Careers Event
Jo Haigh BA Hons, APFS, AwPETR Our Career Officer reports
A successful day at the annual careers fair at Barclay Academy school in Stevenage on Thursday the 7th of November. It was great to see so many students keen to know what is available to them once their school studies finish.
We spent all day speaking to students from year 9 through to 6th form, promoting the CII apprenticeships and all the interesting careers that studying with them can lead to!
Some really good feedback from the students, even think we managed to convince a few it was the right path for them!
After the event Ruth Ward Barclays School Coordinator commented to Jo,
I just wanted to say a really huge thank you for your support of our school careers fair last week. The team at Barclay Academy and myself are so grateful to you for giving up your time last Thursday to talk to our students and to share your valuable experience and expertise.
I thoroughly enjoyed the day and chatting to you and the feedback from our students in all years has been very positive.