Fri 14 Feb. 2020

Bank of England update

We were delighted to welcome back Alex Golledge from the Bank of England to Venue 360 Luton.

Alex provided an interesting and and enjoyable talk giving our members an insight into the Bank of England’s current thinking on the state of the economy as well as it’s latest economic forecasts.

This was an interactive session and Alex engaged with members with great skill and insight during and after his talk and there were some excellent lively discussions - An evening full of questions and friendly debate.

Here is a selection of the feedback:-

A wonderful presentation with great insight into the BOE workings and thoughts.

A very well presented topic, which I found particularly interesting.

The event was very good - amongst one of the best I have attended this year !
The speaker was excellent and came across both, knowledgeable and relaxed.

We are looking forward to welcoming Alex back to Luton Venue 360 on 9th February 2021!