
Risk profiling assessment & Investment selection due diligence

Thu 26 Sep. 2019

Find out about our PFS workshop- Risk profiling assessment & Investment selection due diligence.

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The Senior Managers and Certification Regime- Tilsworth

Mon 23 Sep. 2019

Find out about Branko's important talk on the Senior Managers and Certification Regime ( effective from 9th December) presented in Tilsworth.

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Donoghue v Stevenson - what the textbooks didn't tell you.

Mon 16 Sep. 2019

Find out about our talk about the most celebrated legal case delivered by Jeff Heasman on 11th September.

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Guided Tour around Lloyd's of London

Mon 22 Jul. 2019

Find out about our Lloyd's tour held on 15th July.

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Directors and Officers Insurance in plain English nutshell - Luton

Mon 8 Jul. 2019

Find out about our talk on Directors and Officers Insurance in a plain English nutshell delivered by Alan Chandler on 2nd July in Luton.

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Wet Perils Claim- costs are increasing but what can be done about it?

Tue 2 Jul. 2019

Find out about our wet perils claims talk held on 26th June.

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