
NEW Senior Managers and Certification Regime for GI brokers

Mon 15 Oct. 2018

Find out about Branko's important talk on the NEW Senior Managers and Certification Regime for GI brokers.

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Feeling Average? Shake these blues with a reinstatement survey!

Mon 1 Oct. 2018

Find out about our Property valuation session held on 27th September.

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Luton & St.Albans Regional Conference -

Mon 24 Sep. 2018

Find out about our Regional Conference held on 20th September 2018.

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For better or worse

Mon 17 Sep. 2018

Find out about our talk presented by Jeff Heasman for better or worse held on 13th September 2018.

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Subsidence -How to avoid the sinking feeling

Tue 17 Jul. 2018

Find out about our Subsidence Event held on 12th July.

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IDD briefing by Branko Bjelobaba

Thu 5 Jul. 2018

Find out about Branko's briefing on IDD

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