Wed 22 May 2024

Generation Stevenage Careers Fair 2024

On 22nd May we attended the Generation Stevenage 2024 Careers Fair, hosted by Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal (HOP) at Knebworth House and Barns.

An early start to set-up but we had the privilege of meeting The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire Annie Brewster JP in the process.

Our President, Rachel Karn CMgr MCMI Cert CII along with Joshua Gosling (Assistant Dinner Secretary/Assistant New Professionals Officer), Will Pearce - Cert CII (Careers Officer) and Abbie Mansfield Cert CII (Deputy President) spoke with over 800 students throughout the day, about the many opportunities our industry has to offer and why they should consider choosing it as a career path.

T Levels, Apprenticeships, Work Experience, Graduate Schemes, hashtag#CIIPodcasts, hashtag#Futureme were just some of the topics discussed.

It was a huge success with many more careers events on the horizon.