Current developments in Forensic Examination

Luton Hilton Garden Inn
Thursday, 17 November 2016
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm (UK time)

Is it a claim or a crime?- a forensic perspective.

by Dr Andrew Moncrief MA PhD who is a leader in the field of Forensic Investigation.


Having originally graduated from Oxford University and then completed a PhD at Cambridge, Andrew joined Hawkins & Co in 1992. He specialises in the investigation of fires and explosions and identifying their causes.

He also conducts criminal investigations using forensic methods to assist both prosecution and defence teams. Andrew became a Director of Hawkins in 2006 and Managing Director in 2013 and is based in the Cambridge office.

He has provided seminars and conferences, both here and abroad. Andrew also conducts training courses for specialist police units and fire brigade investigators to assist with identifying the true cause of losses.


The physical laws that govern how accidents happen are unchanging. However, the amount of information available in any given incident is rising at a phenomenal rate. The challenges facing forensic investigators and their clients in the future will centre as much on the physical and regulatory difficulties of obtaining information as it will on the technical expertise needed to provide interpretation.
In this presentation, Dr Moncrieff will with examples explore a selection of areas in which the business of data collection and analysis has changed or is due to change dramatically in the coming years.

At the end of the event the delegate will be able to identify

• Various forensic disciplines;
• The increasing connectivity of our world;
• Isssues with regard to data, who it belongs to and what we are allowed to do with it;
• Case studies to show the application of services.


Thursday 17th November 2016
5.30 p.m Coffee
6.00 p.m Presentation
7.00 p.m Buffet


Hilton Garden Inn Luton North
Hitchin Road

  • Butterfield Business Park
  • Hitchin Road Industrial Estate
  • Luton
  • LU2 8DL
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