Previous events

All previous events

Escapes of Water

  • Wed 07 Dec 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Neville Tranter, Hawkins

This webinar will cover common causes of escapes of water and how Regulations, Standards and Manufacturer’s guidance can be used to achieve a recovery.

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WEBINAR - Understanding and addressing client buying influences

  • Tue 06 Dec 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
    • Nick Thomas, Nick Thomas & Associates

How often do we lose an existing account, or fail to win a sales pitch despite having what we think is clearly the best proposition? We may have developed trusted advisor status with our client, understood their needs and developed tailored solutions in line with their business objectives. Our contact at the client may also love our proposition. But we still lose the business. The most common reason that this happens is that we fail to identify, understand, and address the decision making dynamic and wider buying influences at our prospect or client.

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FCA Consumer Duty and Compliance Update for GI

  • Tue 29 Nov 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

This session will include an update on Product Value Assessments. Both brokers and insurers have an important role to play. This session will ensure you understand what it is you have to do and what changes need to happen in year two of the process to ensure it all gets done. We will also cover the current position on multi-occupancy insurances following intervention by the government and an update on the FCA’s work on Appointed Representatives.

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How to read, understand and apply laws

  • Wed 23 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Zoom- Webinar
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

In this session, Jeff Heasman combines over 20 years of experience studying law, working with the law and teaching law to students and professionals across the world, to provide invaluable skills that will help you read laws more quickly, better understand those laws and then apply them in a logical and clear way, whether for a case study as part of a professional qualification or for when providing advice to a client

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WEBINAR - Managing Stress & Avoiding Burnout

  • Tue 22 Nov 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Steve Heath, Mental Health in Business

During this 1-hour webinar, participants will learn about the effects of stress, how to manage stress, the link between burnout and mental health and how to avoid burnout. The session is a mix of slides and interactive discussions designed to ensure effective learning in a short timeframe within an online environment.

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Wind induced failures of buildings & Reducing flood risk during remedial works

  • Thu 17 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Ian Major, Hawkins
    • Richard Keightley, Hawkins

In this webinar Ian Major will discuss wind induced failures of buildings and structures with some case studies to show how they are investigated. This will be followed by a discussion from Richard Keightley about property flood resilience (‘PFR’): what it is, how it works, and the benefits of ‘building back better’ after a flood.

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WEBINAR - Consumer Duty and the Impact on Claims Handling

  • Tue 15 Nov 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Online
    • Nick Thomas, Nick Thomas & Associates
    • James Tye, Hammersbach Consulting Limited

The FCA is determined to establish a consistent level for customer experiences and create better customer outcomes. The new rules come into force on the 31 July 2022 and will be fully implemented by the 30 April 2023. This session is delivered by Nick Thomas with specialist claims consultant James Tye and will help brokers and insurers alike to understand the criticality of this enhanced responsibility.

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SURE: a new technique to ensure clients have understood your advice

  • Wed 09 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

We naturally ask the client if there is anything they didn´t understand and often, the client replies “No”. Or we ask if everything was clear and the client answers “Yes”. But can we rely on these answers as being an accurate reflection of whether the client truly has listened to and understood that advice? The answer is NO!! That is why, in this webinar, Jeff Heasman will outline his SURE technique for insurance and financial services professionals, based on concept checking, a method traditionally used in language teaching.

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Diploma in Insurance Online Training Programme

  • Wed 09 Nov – Mon 12 Feb
    • Alan Chandler

The Insurance Institutes of Anglia, in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Insurers, is delighted to offer a fast track initiative to help members gain their Diploma in Insurance. This programme offers members the opportunity to benefit from a FREE study course specifically designed to help students attain their Dip CII in 15 months through structured learning. If you would like to advance your CII qualifications, now is the time to do so.

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Guided Tour around Lloyd's of London- 8th November 2022

  • Tue 08 Nov 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
  • Lloyds of London

Presentation and tour history of Lloyd's and how the markets run today.

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Cert CII Fast Track Remote Learning Programme

  • Tue 08 Nov – Mon 27 Mar
    • Alan Chandler

The Insurance Institutes of Anglia, in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Insurers, is delighted to offer a fast track initiative to help members gain their Certificate in Insurance. This programme offers members the opportunity to benefit from a FREE study course specifically designed to help students attain their Cert CII in 14 weeks through structured learning. If you would like to advance your CII qualifications, now is the time to do so.

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Brush Party

  • Thu 03 Nov 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
  • Pitcher & Piano - Hitchin

Are you the next Van Gough, Turner or even Jaxon Pollock then join us for our next social event and discover a new way to unwind Leave your cares behind. Enjoy a great night out, and go home with a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, created by you. Most people don’t believe in their own creativity when it comes to art, but we’re about to change that with our fun events. We’re not any old Paint Night – We’re Brush Party! From newbie to seasoned painter, we have something for everyone! Our fun approach makes painting easy… So come along and discover your artistic side! Followed by a Buffet and a chance to catch up with your colleagues

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All Change: 2 years in which the Supreme Court transformed the way we and our clients do business

  • Thu 03 Nov 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Zoom- Webinar
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

From the FCA Test Case on business interruption to the Uber Test Case, the decisions on vicarious liability to the judgments on professional negligence, the Supreme Court has certainly had a busy and productive couple of years. The Supreme Court has handed down a series of judgments that not only significantly impact the way we work as an insurance industry but also the risk management advice we should always be considering when interacting with our clients. This webinar will provide an overview of the key judgments of the Supreme Court over the past two years and how they impact our industry and our clients.

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Human v Automated Decision-Making: have we gone too far?

  • Thu 20 Oct 10:00 am – 11:00 am
  • Zoom- Webinar
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

We have reached a critical crossroads in the digitisation and automation of processes within insurance and financial services. Some say that we have already gone too far and the human element is being continuously eroded, whereas others believe we have not gone far enough and that insurance and financial services continues to lag behind other professions. There is a fine balance to be struck. Based on doctoral research being conducted by Jeff Heasman and other sources of research and industry insights, this thought-provoking webinar will examine both sides of the debate and suggest a way forward to ensure the best possible outcome for the profession and for our clients.

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Celebrating our Differences

  • Thu 06 Oct 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Joanne Lockwood, See Change Happen

Do we stop to consider what it is like to be us, and recognise how we can celebrate the difference in all of us? Learn how we can become self-aware of our own behaviours and enrich our perspectives and views of others. In this interactive and engaging session, Joanne Lockwood speaks about what you can do right now to step up and step in to celebrating the differences in all of us and the strength it brings.

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How to correctly advise your clients on setting correct indemnity periods under Business Interruption insurance policies

  • Thu 06 Oct 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Zoom- Webinar

Brokers increasingly face PI claims for failing to advise clients correctly on setting appropriate Business Interruption indemnity periods. Recently a broker was successfully sued for failing to give any guidance around indemnity periods to a manufacturer who had a twelve-month indemnity period. Nothing was ever recorded by the broker about the fact that twelve months was almost certainly inadequate, in fact it was the Loss adjuster after the fire took place that educated the client on setting correct indemnity periods, unfortunately too late for all concerned. This webinar looks to make sure this does not happen to you or your staff. This one-hour webinar provided by Alan Chandler, one of the most popular presenters in the UK, will examine all the different factors a client needs to take into account when setting an indemnity period. The presentation will include guiding clients who are on a Gross Profit Bi basis, a Gross Revenue or Fees basis and will also include how an Increased Cost of working only policy should deal with prospective losses over 12 months.

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Where do I begin? Researching, structuring and writing coursework assignments

  • Tue 04 Oct 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
  • Zoom- Webinar

Using his experience as a lifelong learner, a professional trainer, a university lecturer and Dean of Faculty, Jeff Heasman delivers this practical and interactive webinar aimed at candidates studying towards CII and PFS qualifications that include a coursework element. With no tutor support and having to complete coursework assignments alongside a hectic professional life, this webinar teaches candidates key study skills to help them get started with their assignments and ensure they write the best possible submission.

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How financial advisers can use social media to raise brand awareness and generate leads

  • Tue 27 Sep 9:00 am – 10:00 am
  • The Sun Hotel - Hitchin
    • Rosalia Tilley, The Content Hive

'Out of sight out of mind'. Social media is a great way to stay connected to not only new prospective clients, but existing ones too. If you want to be remembered you have to be visible. Having a strong social media presence allows a brand to develop business partnerships, reduce marketing costs and improve sales. This training will be about learning how to use social media in a compliant yet creative way.

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Woman's Network: Building your Business

  • Wed 21 Sep 10:00 am – 11:00 am
  • Zoom- Webinar
    • Toni Dines, Boxtree Recruitment

Join Toni Dines for this webinar where she will talk about the success and pit falls of starting up your own business including: Taking an idea to a launch First year - what went wrong, what went right, lessons learnt. Year 2-3 - what went wrong, what went right. How to invest in your business and how to assess growth needs Definable goal setting, measurable delivery against them and why that’s important, Year to date – achievements and assessing the future Mental health and selfcare throughout the above

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Quantum & Delay: Scope, cost, methodology and duration of building repairs

  • Tue 20 Sep 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Online
    • Hannah Fletcher, Hawkins

The scope and methodology of building repairs directly impacts the cost and duration of any repair. This webinar will look at how we assess these, as well as provide some case examples.

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