Thu 20 Oct. 2016

On the Ropes for Charity

Will Gleed, Education Committee members, is taking part in an Ultra White Collar Boxing event on the 17th December 2016 for charity.

Will is boxing for Cancer Research UK and is hoping to raise as much money as possible for the worthy cause. Having performed once already, at the same event last year, Will can confirm " it was the single most challenging thing I have ever voluntarily put myself through, and I have decided to do it again, and I feel just as anxious."

For tickets to the event, please contact the institute and we will put you in touch with Will direct. The event will be at Bowlers Exhibition Centre and tickets are £20, or you can purchase a table of 10 including meal and table service for £350.

Will's father died very unexpectedly from cancer in the summer this year, with the time from diagnosis to passing being 10 days, so as you can imagine this cause is very close to his heart.

Any donation no matter how small would be appreciated. To donate please visit: