Fri 26 May 2023

IIM's Journal - Celebrating our 150 Milestone

150 years is but a blink of the eye but the changes witnessed by the world, many of which emanated in our wonderful city, have been beyond comprehension. Manchester helped shape the world and, in its own, small, way, the Insurance Institute of Manchester accompanied the city on its journey.

Manchester is proud to be a major insurance market in the UK and beyond. It’s reassuring to know the Institute continues to use experience of the past to underpin the activities of the current which, in turn, are providing strong foundations for the future.

Over these 150 years the Insurance Institute of Manchester has adapted to change, it has ‘moved with the times’ and always continues to evolve to ensure it remains relevant and able to meet the requirements of our membership and the wider world.

Download our Journal, celebrating our 150 milestone, below.