
Are you interested in getting involved with the IIM?

Mon 30 Mar. 2015

Charities Representative role currently available.

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Funded Certificate in Insurance Training

Fri 13 Mar. 2015

Skills Solutions, a CII Accredited Apprenticeship provider, is currently offering fully funded training for the Certificate in Insurance*. For the cost of just the CII’s registration and examination fee, Skills Solutions can deliver training to attain the Certificate In Insurance qualification. *Training is fully funded for companies employing up to 250 employees.

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Secretary role - get involved!

Mon 2 Mar. 2015

As of the Annual General Meeting on 30th April 2015, subject to ratification, the institute will require a new Secretary. If you are interested in this role, please get in touch with the office or the President. The official description of the role is attached for download, however it must be noted that the Secretary is greatly assisted by the office and also the delegation of other tasks such as: monitoring that activities are inline with the Constitution is overseen by the Constitution Officer.

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