MLS Lecture: The Gig Economy and Employer’s Liability

Friends Meeting House
Wednesday, 06 December 2017
12:15 pm – 1:00 pm (UK time)
    • Jon Hesketh, QBE

Slides now available

This is an interesting topical subject with much in the press re Uber, Delivaroo, zero hours contracts etc. and developing case law (Pimlico Plumbers, City Sprint etc.)

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, delegates will be able to identify:
• How new models of employment interact with existing legislation
• Where employer/employee responsibilities sit when contractual relationship is unclear
• The grey areas raised by the gig economy

Speaker’s Biography:
Jon has been an underwriter for 15 years and currently manages QBE’s liability team in Manchester. He is a specialist in employer’s and public liability with a particular focus on construction and engineering in the larger commercial sector. Jon is also an Associate of the Institute of Risk and Safety Management.

  • Friends Meeting House
  • 6 Mount Street
  • Manchester
  • M2 5NS
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