The New Class - Session 3

HSB Engineering Insurance Limited
Thursday, 05 April 2018
2:30 pm – 4:30 pm (UK time)
    • Martin Robert Hall

This event is by invitation only to the successful candidates of 'The New Class 2018'.

Title: Maximising performance through a positive mindset

Time: Lecture 2:30pm-4:30pm

Speaker: Martin Robert Hall

The third session will focus on how to network with positivity by Martin Robert-Hall, a motivational speaker working with some of the highest performing athletes in the world.

Understanding the strategies used by the world’s best performers.
The psychology of communication – lessons from great sports coaches and business leaders.
Mastering the 3 fundamental’s of presenting the best version of yourself.

Speaker's Biography:
Martin Robert Hall is a high regarded speaker, author & high performance consultant. Working in the world of business and elite sport, he is a trusted adviser to high performance individuals, business teams and elite athletes. Coming from a background in sports science, Martin's approach is to help his clients understand the science behind high performance and how this also transfers into the world of business. Martin's work has been praised by Sir Alex Ferguson, he regularly contributes in the media and works with a host of world class businesses and athletes helping them understand the science and the mechanics that drive world class performance.

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