
Alan celebrates 50 years in insurance

Tue 11 May 2021

One of the Tees region’s most experienced insurance professionals has been reflecting on his career after Alan Tickner celebrated the milestone of half a century of Chartered Insurance Institute membership.

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Insurance Institute of Middlesbrough Annual Dinner 2019

Tue 14 Jan. 2020

We would like to take this opportunity to thank those that attended and supported our annual dinner in October 2019. We have tallied up all of the money we have received in support our our President Natalie's chosen charities (The Insurance Charities and Bowel Cancer UK), and are delighted to announce that we have raised £1,000 to be split equally between both charities. We shall be looking to beat this amazing total at our next dinner and also look forward to welcoming old and new supporters to the event.

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Annual Dinner 2019

Fri 11 Oct. 2019

Mark this date in your diary, more information to follow …..

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CPD New Venue

Tue 2 Oct. 2018

Its looking like Thornaby Golf Club will be our new test venue for CPD events - hopefully central location, easy parking and quiet room. Watch this space - next event will probably be a Wednesday lunchtime in November - once Dinner and Exams in October are all over.

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