
New Certificate in Climate Risk

Tue 7 Sep. 2021

The Chartered Body Alliance have developed their first joint qualification, the Certificate in Climate Risk, to support finance and risk professionals globally to develop their expertise in climate risk.

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Young Achiever of the Year Launches

Tue 24 Aug. 2021

The Insurance Institute of Newcastle upon Tyne, is happy to announce the launch of the 2021 Deputy President's Young Achiever of the Year Award.

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Dive In - The Festival for Diversity and Inclusion in Insurance

Tue 24 Aug. 2021

Dive In - The Festival for Diversity and Inclusion in Insurance Dive In - The Festival for Diversity and Inclusion in Insurance will be taking place between Tuesday 21st – Thursday 23rd September 2021.

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CII exam voucher campaign

Wed 11 Aug. 2021

The CII have recently launched a campaign to ensure examination candidates are enrolling onto examinations they have previously booked.

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North East National Forum Officer vacancy

Tue 1 Jun. 2021

Local Institute National Forum We currently have a position available for North East National Forum Officer to take up position for an initial three-year term from July 2021. This role should be taken up by one of the current Regional Forum Officers across the North East.

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Insurance Broker steps onto TEDx red dot.

Thu 6 May 2021

Institute member Clare Talbot-Jones Cert CII recently gave a TEDx at Newcastle University on the Pursuit of Fearlessness, drawing on her experiences in insurance risk management.

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