Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, 29 April 2014
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm (UK time)

118th Annual General Meeting of the Insurance Institute of Newcastle upon Tyne

This year's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at Tesco Underwriting, Quorum Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12 8BU on Tuesday 29th April 2014 at 17:00 (for 17:30).

All Council nominations are listed below and will be approved at the AGM.
Please contact the Secretary 14 days prior to the AGM if you would like to make an objection to any of the points or to request a copy of the 2013 minutes.

The existing Council recommends that members vote in favour of all the resolutions being proposed at the AGM, which they consider to be in the best interests of the institute as a whole.

NOTICE is hereby given that the AGM of the Insurance Institute of Newcastle upon Tyne will be held at Tesco Underwriting, Quorum Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12 8BU at 17:00 - for the following purposes:

1. The proposed President of the Institute for 2014/15 is Jill Carter of Tesco Underwriting.

2. The proposed Deputy President of the Institute for 2014/15 is Brian Stonehouse of Eldon Insurance Services Ltd

3. To receive and adopt the Treasurer's Report and Accounts for 2013

4. To receive and adopt the Annual Report of Council for 2013/14

5. To elect the following Vice-Presidents for the session 2014/15
Under rule 12a): Richard Talbot-Jones, John Bruce

6. To elect the following ex-officio members of the Council for the session 2014/2015
Secretary: Katy Thorne - Easby Gale & Philipson
Treasurer: Willard Wright - Walter Wright Insurance Brokers
Education Secretary: Ian Stockley - Tesco Underwriting
Examinations Secretary: Vincent O'Sullivan
Sports & Social Secretary: Peter Blacklock - St. James's Place
Public Relations Secretary: John Neill - Towergate Risk Solutions
Dinner Secretary: David Holder - Cunningham Lindsay

7. To elect the following Council members for the session 2014/15
Peter Locker, David Nield, Julie Harle, Karen Weir, Tim McGee, Nick Straker, David Gunning

8. To appoint Glen C Rodger Ltd Accountants for the session 2014/15.

9. Appoint a Charities Representative: David Robson - Markel

Please see below for the download of the Annual Report.

Please email our
Secretary, Katy Thorne with your apologies or to let us know you will be attending
(so we can sort seats, refreshments etc).
Likewise, please contact Katy if you have any questions about the report, but cannot attend the AGM.

To view our image and video capture consent statement, please click here.