The Enterprise & Regulatory Reform Act: redressing the balance in workplace compensation claims or putting insurers to more expense?

The CastleGate
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (UK time)
    • Jeff Heasman

Cost: Free

This interactive session will critically analyse the recent changes to the law which mean that there is no longer any civil liability for breach of health and safety regulations made under the Health and Safety at Work Act. By passing the Enterprise Act, Parliament’s aim was to prevent compensation windfalls to employees who were able to rely on strict liability provisions when pursuing an employers’ liability claim.

However, it could be argued that in fact the change in the law has simply increased the burden on insurers and as a result has increased their overall costs. This thought-provoking seminar will look at both sides of the argument and assess how best insurers can adapt to this legislation.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:

• understand how the law had developed in favour of employees prior to the passing of the
Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act.
• critically analyse the key provisions of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act so far as they relate to employers’ liability claims.
• assess how best an insurer can adapt its practices to ensure that employers’ liability cases are dealt with efficiently and without necessarily increasing overall costs.

Jeff Heasman is a professional trainer who holds a bachelors degree in law from the University of Glamorgan and a master of laws degree from Swansea University, as well as a postgraduate certificate in teaching English language to adults. He spent many years in practice as a litigation executive, dealing with cases up to and including the Court of Appeal in London (England v IBC Vehicles Ltd) and as a senior liability adjuster at Crawford and Company he dealt with insurance claims arising from many worldwide jurisdictions, with a particular focus on public and employers’ liability claims.

Speaker Biography

A former Dean of the Faculty of Law and lecturer in law at Cavendish University in Zambia, as well as a tutor in legal English at Swansea University, Jeff now provides training in insurance law, practice and language to prestigious insurance organisations and companies throughout the world. He maintains a close connection to the international legal profession, working as a consultant in insurance law to a niche firm based in Istanbul, Turkey and he provides expert claims reviews for a UK-based loss assessors. In addition, Jeff has provided plain language editing services to the UK insurance industry

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  • The CastleGate
  • Melbourne St
  • Newcastle upon Tyne
  • NE1 2JQ
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