CII Golfing Society Spring Meeting

Tyneside Golf Club
Friday, 27 April 2018
9:30 am – 6:00 pm (UK time)

Insurance Institute of Newcastle upon Tyne Golfing Society

Spring Meeting Friday 27 April 2018

Tyneside Golf Club

Tee Booked 10.58 – 11.40
Meet 10.00 hours latest
Coffee and bacon sandwich on arrival

18 Holes
Soup and sandwiches afterwards
Cost £30.50 including food
Pay on the day


Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
If you wish to arrange your own 4 ball please let me know when you reply
otherwise play will be in 3 balls where possible.

The competitions will be:
1. Hodge Trophy for Best Individual Stableford
2. Institute Cup for Best Net Score
3. President’s Bowl Best Gross Score
4. K Graham Trophy for Best Veteran (60 years and above) Stableford

To Book:
If you wish to play please send the following info to, using CII Golfing Society Spring Meeting as your subject header.

  • Name(s) of Entrant
  • Handicaps
  • Westfield Lane
  • Ryton
  • Tyne & Wear
  • NE40 3QE
View map

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