Annual General Meeting 2024
Your local institute council invites you to attend our 2024 Annual General Meeting in order to hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members.
If you feel you could make a positive contribution, it is an ideal first step to becoming involved.
Ordinary Business
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the AGM held in 2023
- Annual Report of Council
- Accounts for the year to 31 December 2023
- Appointment of an Examiner of Accounts
- Elections of Council
- President - Paul Tunnell
- Deputy President - Maria Self
- Vice-Presidents - TBC
- Officers and Members to be elected en bloc
Special Business
- Date of next year's AGM Monday 7th April 2025
Deputy President – Maria Self
Provided support to President where needed and helped steer Institute activities and business during the 2022/2023 year.
Organised and met our new RMM, Lisa Hayward in November 2022 along with President, Secretary and Education Secretary.
Organised Presidents/Prize Winners reception at Nutfield Priory Hotel on 20 October 2022 where prizes were awarded for best exam results. This was attended by the prize winners plus a guest. We also had guests from Allianz, Aon, RSA, Sedgwicks, Weald Insurance & Zurich along with Council.
Secretary – Julie Bradley
I have prepared and produced Agendas and subsequent Minutes for all the Council meetings we have run during the course of the presidential year. I have submitted all necessary returns to the CII within required timescales.
Education Secretary Angela Bond
I have continued to offer my support & advice to both our President Paul Tunnell and Council members and look forward to the new Presidential year ahead.
As well as running our own CPD events, we have collaborated throughout the year with our neighbouring institutes in the Southern region to offer an additional comprehensive CPD programme to our Insurance and PFS members.
With advice and assistance from Council and President – the NDII has provided 27 hours of structured CPD this Presidential year of 2022/2023.
We have presented these sessions virtually and have provided CPD for: Technical, Market Knowledge, Revision and Soft Skills.
• Creating and Claiming Value in negotiation
• Young Professionals: How to Demonstrate and Develop Credibility
• Public and Environmental Liability
• A Practical Guide to Successful Retirement
• Insurance Considerations for the Digital Asset Industry
• Lloyds of London Tour x2
• Managing Anxiety through Change
• The cost of poor acoustics in building, industry & environment
• Cross sales & growing existing accounts
• Qualification pathway to ACII
• Quantum & Delay: Scope, cost, methodology and duration of building repairs
• Celebrating our Differences
• Joint Learning & Development Conference
• SURE: a new technique to ensure clients have understood your advice
• Wind induced failures of buildings & Reducing flood risk during remedial works
• Escapes of water
• Laughing yourself to wellness: the science of laughter in the workplace and an introduction to laughter yoga
• Hawkins Webinar - Over-Fired Air (OFA) in Industrial Boilers
• Consumer Duty
• Hawkins Webinar - Crane Safety - Not just torquing nuts! A review of the Carol Anne crane collapse
• Hawkins Webinar - BLEVEs: The Hidden Dangers of Back Boilers
• Hawkins Webinar - MEWPs on Construction Sites: A Lower Risk Option
In addition for 2023:
We will continue to collaborate with our neighboring Institutes in the Southern Region in creating a further CPD programme accessible for all members across the South East. These institutes include Mid Kent, Sussex, Guernsey and Anglia.
We will also be looking at introducing some ‘in person’ CPD sessions.
Dinner Secretary– Maria Self
Our annual Dinner had been arranged for 3 March 2023 at the Aerodrome Hotel, Purley Way, Croydon where we had held our 2022 Dinner. However, just before Christmas 2002, I found out via the local media that the Hotel had been closed at extremely short notice and was to be used to house migrants. Upon contacting the Hotel, they confirmed that this was the case and that the hotel would not reopen in time for our dinner in March. I tried to find an alternative venue at short notice but this was not feasible and I was forced to postpone the event. This has now been set for 29 September 2023 subject to me finding another suitable venue – at the point of writing this Report my search is on going with a couple of potential venues in play.
Insurance Charities Support Alan Wheat
Whilst home visit activity relating to Insurance Charities has restarted (following Covid), there have been no requests over the last 12 months for us to carry out visits. Focus therefore has been on cascading Insurance Charities news and updates (as provided by IS) to the wider Council for onwards distribution. This included raising awareness on the Insurance Charities Awareness week in 2022.
Membership – Matt Arnell
There are still no November or December 2022 results available as per my last email (attached for reference) as there’s an ongoing issue with their systems. I’ve therefore based my comparisons on January 2022 to October 2022.
Reviewing the membership data for 2022 we started off in January with a total membership figure of 1,733 and the final count at the end of October 2022 is 1,681 – losing a total of 52. This is smaller than the previous years’ reduction of 88, although a continued reduction as the year before was a reduction of 150.
GI Members FS Members
Jan 22 – 1,385 348
Oct 22 – 1,336 345
(-49) (-3)
GI has lost around 3.6% and FS 0.87%
Indicators for numbers decreasing tends to be for lapses. There are also resignations but it continues to be mainly lapses for ordinary members.
President – Paul Tunnell
I have continued to develop our young professional group, encouraging them to organise events, and am pleased to report that we have now had a successful YPG meeting, a YPG subsidy for 8 people to take a table at the Annual Dinner at cost price, and a team at our forthcoming quiz (21 March 2024). I want to continue this momentum, and are planning for further events in 2024.
I have attended our events wherever possible, face to face and been overseeing webinars. I have represented North Downs Insurance Institute at several Annual Dinners, with some still to come.
I attended the CII AGM and was somewhat relieved to hear that CII and Personal Finance Society are together again on a stable footing.
I attended (along with Jade), the National Network Conference, held in Southampton in June 2022. The day followed a much-improved format (presumably form last years feedback!), which used the time to share best practice and deliver the Regional Strategy support plan for local institutes. The focus was on driving up professional standards The volunteer awards evening was a very formal affair with some deserving winners.
We had an award winner’s presentation evening at Nutfield Priory, once again a first class organisation by Maria Self.
Treasurer - Paul Tunnell
This year has followed the pattern of recent years with income and expenditure along similar lines.
Our Annual dinner was a great success and resulted in a substantial surplus of £896.17, which will be carried forward to our forthcoming Dinner in June 2024, (before returning to our traditional date in March 2025).
At the dinner, the combined collection of heads and tails, raffle and auction items totalled £1,468.91, which was passed to the Insurance Charities along with additional contributions arising from the Gift Aid envelopes completed, and this amount was match funded by NDII to the President’s chosen charity, which this year was St Catherines Hospice based in Crawley who do a fantastic job of end of life care (in this case for my Dad who passed away in August 2023)
We traditionally receive the Annual grant from CII in 2 instalments, the first of which is paid in full, and the second adjusted as we have excess reserves, resulting in a total contribution of £9,958 which resulted in a loss on the years workings of £5,000. Now this has reduced our reserves, we should receive our grant in full in 2024 of £20,000 and I have allocated this amount to our budget (see Appendix 2)
Our greatest expenditure apart from the dinner was our blue ribbon Presidential Awards night,
which is attended by Council members and all of our award winners, followed by CPD events,
although as once again this was a year of virtual meetings meaning costs were kept down.
We once again ran our joint conference at Lingfield which was well attended by North Downs
members which resulted in us subsidising the event to £2,330 although this was too late to be
included in this years accounts.
Other items include postage/stationery for officers, data protection computer equipment and CII annual insurance premium. (see Appendix 1)
The accounts are being examined and will be recommended for ratification at this meeting.
I will be happy to cover any questions either beforehand or at the AGM
Administrator – Paul Tunnell
This year has followed the pattern of recent years with a diet of zoom meetings that I have
either monitored or been part of.
I have kept the website up to date, including the list of our events, sending eflyers, follow up reminders and monitoring take up and response to events. Generally there is a 20% drop out rate of attendance at virtual meetings from those that register.
I was also the co-ordinator for the program at the joint conference with Sussex CII and attended several meetings to deliver a slick presentation!
Southern Regional Forum - Paul Tunnell
I have attended 3 out of the 4 scheduled meetings for SRF including 1 face to face at Horsham!!
A lot of examples of best practices have been shared amongst the participants and any issues arising taken forward to the National forum. NDII have not raised anything contentious requiring a response.
Budget 2024
Special Grant
CPD and Educational activities
Ordinary Grant
Annual Dinner
Social Events - other
Interest/Investment Income
Sponsorship (Not Social/Charitable)
Other income
income received prior year
Total Income
CPD and Educational activities
Office supplies
LI Premises costs
Staff costs
President's expenses
Council and AGM Meetings
Officer expenses
Computer expenses
Website costs
Audit and accountancy
Other professional services
Annual Dinner
Social Events - other
Bank charges paid
Sponsorship (Not Social/Charitable)
Other expenditure
Expenditure paid prior year
Total Expenditure
Net Surplus/Deficit
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