Thu 24 Sep. 2015
Lunchtime Lectures
Northampton Insurance Institute Lunchtime Lecture Programme
Dear Member
The first lecture after the summer break was held last week. This was on the subject of 'The Insurance Bill - impact for brokers'. The delivery by James Thompson and Laura Bee of Mills and Reeve LLP solicitors was well received The next event is scheduled for 13 October 2015 when Stephen Oliver, a Director of "The Will Company", will be talking on the subject of 'Understanding Wills, Probate and Lasting Powers of Attorney'. If you would like to attend this session please can you confirm to The meeting is to be held at lunchtime at the Old Northamptonians, Northampton. We look forward to seeing you. Our aim is to try and organise lunchtime learning sessions that are current, relevant and engaging. We would always welcome any ideas from Members for topics that they would like to see covered. In this respect please email
Chris Buesnel