Thu 14 Apr. 2016
Annual AGM
Peter Robinson of Towergate becomes New President of Northampton Insurance Institute
Last Night the Northampton Insurance Institute hosted its annual AGM followed by a quiz which was well attend by both members and friends of the Institute.
Former Northampton Institute President Neil Hoppitt handed over the reins of presidency to Peter Robinson of Towergate who will continue Neil's excellent work over the past year in guiding the Institute to greatness!
Several Council role changes were announced to include Sian Eaglestone of Towergate agreeing to step in to the role of Institute Secretary and Rod Luck who has agreed to take on the role of Vice President.
The annual quiz, which followed the AGM, was well attended and there was lots of fun to be had by all. Quiz Master Dave Howe returned for another year to challenge our general knowledge and the winning team of Zena Gregory, Paul Muncey, Ian Barrett and Sharon Horne celebrate their success with bottles of fine wine!
Please find attached the Institute's financial summary for the year 2015/2016, as well as the annual report and some photographs of the evening.
Our next event is being held on 26 April 2016 and is a morning workshop on Extraordinary Client Service. There is a small charge of £20 per person and the workshop is limited to 20 places.