Mon 1 Feb. 2016

Are you interested in an R08 Pension Update Exam Revision Day?

The Northern Ireland Personal Finance Society in conjunction with the Belfast Insurance Institute are seeking to run a further revision day for the new R08 Pension Update exam in late February/early March, and at this stage are seeking to establish if there is sufficient interest to do so.

The revision day will be subject to demand and arranging a suitable venue.

The revision day should it proceed will be held in the centre of Belfast, and the likely cost will be around £100-125 per person depending on numbers.

The tutor is once again Neil Dickey who is Lead Pensions Tutor for the CII's Face to Face Training department, and who has run numerous successful training days on behalf of the Northern Ireland PFS/BII over the last few years.

If you are interested, please email Neil Dickey on and advise of your wish to attend and when you plan to sit the exam.

Early responses would be much appreciated in order to establish the viability of running this course.