Tue 20 Jul. 2021

2020 PFS Sponsored Diploma - Progress Update

Name: Callum Moroney

What interested you in Personal Finances as a career?

Since the outset of my professional career, I knew I wanted to provide help and support to individuals. Personal finance is quite often considered complicated and can be quite intimidating for some. Being able to get to know an individual, understand their financial goals and then guide and support them to achieve these goals is something I am extremely passionate about.

Why did you choose to apply for the PFS Sponsorship opportunity in 2020?

I had been in my previous position as a CeMAP qualified Mortgage Advisor for nearly four years and I felt it was time to take the next step to develop myself and my career. At the time, I knew I wanted to become a financial advisor but was unsure on the next best step. Once aware of this opportunity, I knew I had to apply and I am extremely pleased that I did. Once complete, this qualification will open the door to the rest of my career.

How have you progressed in your studies so far and how are you finding it?

I have successfully completed the first unit, R01 – Financial Services, Regulation and Ethics and am well on my way to completing the second unit, R02 – Investment Principles and Risks. There is certainly a lot to learn and understanding the best technique for me to absorb this new information is something I have had to adapt and change. However, whenever I do not understand something or need something being brought to life, I know I have the experience and the support of the committee.

What would you say to anyone considering applying for the 2021 sponsorship opportunity?

For anyone looking to progress their career in these industries, I would say go for it! The sponsorship not only provides financial support, but it also provides a committee of members with years of knowledge and expertise. This knowledge and expertise is invaluable and something you would struggle to obtain if doing this on your own.