Tue 18 Jul. 2023
Get to Know Your Council - July Release

Name: Richard High
Occupation/Industry Experience:
I’m a Senior Assistant Underwriter at Aviva and have been with them for just over 15 months. My role is home based and entails supporting their Multinational Centre of Excellence. Prior to this I worked in the Broker Sector, most recently for Hugh J Boswell Ltd, my final role with them was as Technical Claims Consultant.
How long have you been on the Insurance Institute of Norwich’s Council?
I’m a newcomer, having attended the AGM in April and joining the Council at their next meeting on 17th May 2023
What is your role, and what does it involve?
I don’t currently have a role but have expressed an interest in assisting with the Education aspect of the Councils work.
Why did you decide to join the Council?
The Council is an asset to the Local Insurance Industry. I’ve been fortunate enough to attend lectures, seminars, and social events, organised by the Council and feel that now is the right time, for me, to put something back, to give others similar opportunities.
What are you most looking forward to in the forthcoming year on the Council?
The Annual Dinner is always a highlight, but I’m also looking forward to getting involved in the business of the Council.
Tell us one unusual fact about yourself
I used to be a St John Ambulance Brigade volunteer and on numerous occasions crewed an ambulance on an emergency call, blue lights, and sirens.