
FCA launches 'Live & Local'

Mon 21 Mar. 2016

A new regional programme to help local firms engage with regulators

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Norfolk Professional Institutes Guide

Tue 21 Jul. 2015

We are pleased to advise that the full Norfolk Professional Institutes guide is available to view under the following link These lectures are available to all and most are free.

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Slides from Insurance Act Presentation 14.07.2015

Tue 14 Jul. 2015

Those who attended our very popular Insurance Act seminar on 14th July have asked if the slides from the event could be made available. These are now available and we would like to thank Andrew Hipper and Neil Davies once again for presenting an interesting and informative talk.

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Insurance Charities Newsletter

Tue 16 Jun. 2015

The latest newsletter from the Insurance Charities is now available, featuring details of recent and upcoming events for Insurance Charities Awareness Week and a golf day. See

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April 2015 quiz n chips

Fri 1 May 2015

Congratulations to the very happy team from Hugh J Boswell (Don't Dizzy my Quizzy) who were victorious in our April quiz by virtue of a tie break

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Are you interested in getting involved?

Fri 17 Apr. 2015

The insurance institute is made up of a dedicated group of industry professionals, who voluntarily give up their spare time to offer a range of key benefits to CII and PFS members in the local area.

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