The Insurance Institute and The Personal Finance Society of Norwich would like to inform members that its AGM will be held on Tuesday 11th April 2017 5:30pm at Marsh Ltd, Queens Road, Norwich NR1 3QQ. Enhance your career - join our council Local Institutes provide support to their members, week in, week out, in the local area and in the local market. Continuing professional development (CPD) events, training, networking opportunities and social gatherings – everything you need to establish yourself within your local insurance community, and beyond. The council is made up of professionals from across the insurance and financial services industry who volunteer their time and support to provide services to more than 2600 members living or working locally. As well as supporting local CII members, joining council brings with it personal benefits including the opportunity to network with senior figures from the industry, develop your own personal skills and raise your profile within the Norwich insurance market. Unstructured CPD hours can also be claimed for attending local Institute meetings. Whether you are interested in helping the institute run CPD events, social activities or any other type of member services, you are more than welcome to become part of the team. More in depth information regarding roles on council can be found below. For an informal chat about joining council, please contact Suzie Squirrell-Hughes, Young Professionals Group We are keen to increase our networking and educational events. The young professionals group will meet quarterly to discuss and plan events throughout the year. If you are interested in joining please contact Suzie Squirrell-Hughes (as above) in the first instance. All members are welcome to attend the meeting where the Officers will present their reports for the previous year and the Council and Officers for 2017-18 will be elected. The AGM is an important point in the Institute's calendar as it marks the end of one Presidential term and the commencement of the next. Please book in advance to attend the meeting so we can make our hosts at Marsh aware. Council Roles and Responsibilities President The President is elected by members of the council and is responsible for the smooth running of the council throughout their term. The President hosts meetings and events, is the main link between the CII, other Institutes and the Norwich Institute. The President also has final say on matters arising throughout the year. The President's main duties: · Host council meetings · Host and introduce Insurance Institute lectures and events · Attend other Institute dinners · Liaise with the CII · Update the council on all CII matters · Ensure the smooth running of the council and roles are fulfilled · Host the Annual dinner · Ensure an educational programme of events is in place · Attend the CII annual conference · Offer support and guidance to council members Deputy President The deputy President is to perform the President's duties when he is unavailable. The deputy will support the President in his role and offer guidance and support to other council members. Charities Representative The charities representative conducts roughly one visit per mouth to applicants for financial aid. The Charities representative visits the person in need to assess their financial status, the information gathered is sent to the Insurance charities head office who will then make a decision as to whether the applicant qualifies for financial aid. The Charities representative main roles are: · Report updates during council meetings · Visiting financial aid applicants · Submitting reports to the Insurance Charities Head office Treasurer The main bulk of the treasurers role is recording on the spreadsheets income and outcome) paying invoices and sending invoices. The role varies with how busy it gets. Around the dinner and quiz nights will be the busiest period with sending and paying invoices, the rest of the year is quite quiet as not much is going in and out. · Keeping a record of income and expenses and filing receipts. · Invoicing- Sending invoices, Keeping track of payments on an invoice spreadsheet and paying external invoices. · Producing cost v income reports for the Annual Meal and two yearly quizzes. · Allocating Grant money at the beginning of the financial year. · Report updates at Council meetings · Liaising with the accountant at the end of year - She will need all of your files and spreadsheets · Submitting accounts to the CII in April- done via the website Education Secretary The Education Secretary ensures we have a varied lecture programme for the year, is a point of contact between the CII and the council on all education related matters and corresponds with the exam invigilators. Main duties include: · Sourcing speakers for the lecture programme · Attending the education secretaries bi annual conference · Analyse exam results and cater the lecture programme to support areas of need · Analyse data and highlight prize winners · Introduce lectures in the Presidents absence · Correspond with the CII and exam invigilators. · Submit reports at council meetings Secretary The secretary is the central point of contact for the Insurance Institute and deals with all requests queries from members and is the central point for collating information on all Insurance matters. Main duties of the secretary involve: · Lecture venue bookings-forecast and book venue and organise catering where necessary - Verify venues, H&S policies and ensure they are appropriate for the CII, keep these on file
- Liaise with lecturer with regards to timings, biographies, learning outcomes for the E-flyer and give speaker guidelines.
- Publish lecture poster/ E-flyers and distribute to delegates.
- Receive and coordinate attendee confirmations
- Produce CPD certificates
- Collate feedback forms
- CPD accreditation documentation to CII
- Field general day to day enquiries
- Notifying CII of changes
- Organise meeting schedule, produce agenda's and minutes.
· Keeping the lecture programme up to date · Organise committee programme meetings · Organise Quiz · Organise Dinner · Assist and support council officers and members. Public relations Officer The Public relations officer, keeps the local Insurance Institute website up to date and sources opportunities to promote the Insurance Institute and its local events to those who work in the sector. Main duties include: · Keeping the Insurance Institute website up to date · Sends E-flyers for lectures and events · Places adverts and articles to increase the Insurance Institute profile · Keep Social media up to date · Advertise events Social Secretary The social secretary would be responsible for organising and hosting events throughout the calendar year, promoting networking with the Insurance and financial services industries. The main duties for the social secretary include: · Organising Networking events throughout the year · Organising young person's events · Taking a lead in organising the Institute quizzes · Organise events to promote the Insurance Institute and encourage members to join the council Young Professional Group leader The Young professionals group will be responsible for orgnaising networking events and educational events for young professionals 35 and under working with the industry. The main duties for the leader will include: · Managing a budget for the year · Hosting quarterly meetings · Reporting to council on events planned · Host networking and educational events. Council Members General council members are an important part of the council and provide important contacts for networking, promoting council and driving the local industry forward. Duties for council members are to: · Attend council meetings · Provide assistance in introducing lectures · Put forward lecture subject ideas · Source local professionals to provide lectures · Promote council events Please note the positions of Treasurer, Charities Representative and Secretary are currently occupied however we would like to hear from people who are interested in operating within these roles as a deputy. |