Fri 20 Jan. 2023
Annual Dinner 2023

2023 saw the return of our favourite night of the year, the Nottingham Insurance Institutes Annual Dinner and despite a 3 year break, it didn't disappoint.
Our Dinner Secretary, Bronte James, did a fabulous job in organising the event for over 200 guests and, as always, the food was delicious and the wine free flowing.
We were delighted to be able to finally present our Exam & Qualification achievers for the 2020-21 & 2021-22 periods, with no less than 24 certificates, followed by 4 awards for best performance.
Guests arriving at the Crowne Plaza were entertained by the very talented Annabelle, who provided live music at the pre dinner reception and we were delighted to welcome the Deputy President of the CII, Ian Callaghan, as our guest and one of our speakers.
Guests were able to dance away the night with the ever popular disco or chat with old friends and acquaintances in the bar and it was great to be able to catch up with so many people again.
Thank you to everyone who attended this year, we can't wait to do it all again in January 24.