
New Certificate in Climate Risk

Tue 7 Sep. 2021

The Chartered Body Alliance have developed their first joint qualification, the Certificate in Climate Risk, to support finance and risk professionals globally to develop their expertise in climate risk.

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Dive In - The Festival for Diversity and Inclusion in Insurance

Tue 24 Aug. 2021

Dive In - The Festival for Diversity and Inclusion in Insurance Dive In - The Festival for Diversity and Inclusion in Insurance will be taking place between Tuesday 21st – Thursday 23rd September 2021.

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CII exam voucher campaign

Wed 11 Aug. 2021

The CII have recently launched a campaign to ensure examination candidates are enrolling onto examinations they have previously booked.

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Employer support to tackle domestic abuse launched to insurance industry

Thu 3 Jun. 2021

We are pleased to unveil an update to the valuable resource, The Domestic Abuse Toolkit for Employers.

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High Achiever Awards

Wed 5 May 2021

'Awards Presentation' At the end of my presidential year, my final task is to announce the High Achiever Award, congratulate our exam qualifiers and, ultimately, publicise the Best Performances in the Financial Services and General Insurance Exams. Well done to everyone who has sat exams this past year. If you click on the link you will be able to see the exam successes and the awards nominations. There may be a lockdown, however, your local institute council still acknowledges the hard work and commitment of everyone who has studied and sat exams. Well done to you all. and congratulations on your success" Helen Wilcox 2020 - 2021 President"

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Insurance Charities Awareness Week

Thu 25 Mar. 2021

Insurance Charities Awareness Week will take place between 21-25 June. Please put this in your diary, and look out for further updates on our social media channels, website and special ebulletins as more details become available. During the week we'll be calling on you and your colleagues to: • Retweet and share our social media posts throughout the week. • Send your own posts from your personal accounts and company accounts (where possible) • Circulate the resources we'll be sharing with you in advance. Perhaps consider team meetings, intranets, and 'lunch and learn' sessions for example. • Watch our webinar we'll be launching at the start of the week. • Think about those in your professional networks who may be struggling, and signpost them to the Charity. We hope that you and your employer will get involved, and help us raise awareness throughout the industry. If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please get in touch.

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