
AF4 booked for March 2021?

Thu 4 Feb. 2021

Due to developments in the ongoing Covid 19 situation, the provisionally scheduled March sitting of AF4 will not be possible. In order to comply with government guidelines on social distancing, most approved venues capable of hosting paper-based exams are not currently operating. The next exam sitting of AF4 will therefore be a session scheduled for the 24th June. This allows time for easing of lockdown measures and for venues to return to operation. What do candidates do next? To take the AF4 exam candidates will need to book the next session, which is the 24th June. We will contact candidates to let them know when bookings are open. If a candidate's AF4 enrolment expires before the 24th June, it will be automatically extended. Any queries, candidates can contact CII Customer Services at or +44 (0)20 8989 8464.

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"URGENT - If you have booked to sit one or more written exams, then you should read this.........."

Fri 2 Oct. 2020

When booking to sit a written exam, confirmation may have been received to advise you that you were confirmed in at your local test centre. Since the CII has now moved from City and Guilds to PSI, some of you may now have an exam voucher sitting on your account that you now need to go in and use to book the exam in a different test centre. The CII has communicated this to individuals so hopefully you are aware of the situation, but please ensure that you have gone into your account to confirm the exam is shown as "booked" or "book it with the voucher". IF YOU HAVE ANY CONCERNS THEN CONTACT THE CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRE IMMEDIATELY AND CHECK YOUR EXAM IS BOOKED CORRECTLY.

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Funding for training during COVID 19

Tue 15 Sep. 2020

In response to the Covid 19 crisis, the CII’s Education and Training Trust has launched a fund to provide access to training and professional development for those working in the UK and Ireland. Applicants will be able to secure the full cost of their training and choose the course and provider. Applicants do not need to be members of the CII. The course must be relevant to the insurance/financial planning sector and is only available to those already working in these areas. Applicants may want to consider their “essential” skills development such as leadership, communication or time-management. This new scheme will be administered by The Insurance Charities and will continue to run whilst funds are available. For further information and to apply, visit:

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Fantasy Football 2019-2020 Results

Thu 10 Sep. 2020

Nottingham Insurance Institute 2019/20 Fantasy Football League – Final Table & Results Well it has been a very different competition to the one we all planned and it is now time for the final results and announcement of the winners:

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CPD at your fingertips........virtually!

Wed 1 Jul. 2020

It has been a busy couple of months recreating our offering so that we can still provide quality CPD sessions for the benefit of all our members. I have found myself becoming ever more involved in working out how to create access for the various software packages available for virtual meetings, which is quite a minefield!!!! We have now moved over to a full digital service and the event booking system is working well. Despite recent relaxing of certain restrictions, it seems clear that various social distancing rules and altered working practices will remain in place for some considerable time. We are also aware of several large organisations who have prohibited staff from attending events and gatherings. In consideration of this, we will continue with digital, rather than face-to-face, CPD events for the foreseeable future, although we remain committed to organising the physical seminars as soon as we feel confident that it is the right thing to do. Although this will obviously be a disappointment to some, we remain committed to delivering quality events, open to all, to support your learning and professional development. We started work on the syllabus for this year back in May, and we have organised a series of events to assist you with supporting customers. Their concerns and worries are drastically different in this new environment and providing them with the right information and support is vital for them. We are all in unchartered waters to a certain extent, and our dealings with our customers will need to change. We haven't forgotten the need for technical sessions as well, though, as it’s important that COVID-19 doesn’t control all our thinking, We are just finalising a couple of events which will fill the diary through to the end of November. I think we will then all deserve a break over the holiday period, but I will make sure we plan forward and there are events available for the New Year! Remember, we are doing everything possible to maintain a quality syllabus, relevant to the current situation and some of the sessions available have been specifically requested by our members, so if you think we’re missing something, let me know! Take a look at the CPD page on our web-site . It is regularly updated to keep you in the know!

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Changes to written examinations

Tue 16 Jun. 2020

The Chartered Insurance Institute is changing the way our exams are delivered!

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