Thu 19 May 2022
Volunteers who help develop careers applauded

On the 17th May at the Ambassadors in Action conference, Jonathan Clark, CII interim CEO, and David Ross, Vice President of Local Institutes, handed out trophies and certificates to CII Local Institutes (LI) and PFS Regional Committee volunteers who have gone above and beyond in continuing to offer members professional development and networking opportunities.
Distinguished Service Awards, recognising an individual's' outstanding dedication and significant contribution to their own LI or PFS regional committee in areas such as training, development, professionalism, and commitment to the local proposition, were presented to the Insurance Institute of Cheltenham & Gloucester's Simon McGill; the Insurance Institute of Aberdeen's Debbie Mitchell; Hants & Dorset PFS Regional Committee's and the Insurance Institute Southampton's Ed Morrell; Insurance Institute of London's Gemma Henderson; and the Insurance Institute of Aberdeen's and PFS Regional Committee Scotland North's Alan Whittle.
Exceptional Service Awards, recognising those who have exceeded the requirements of a role at a regional or national level by becoming champions for their LI or PFS Regional Committee as well as great advocates for the insurance and personal finance profession, were presented to The Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow's Ruth Murray and the Insurance Institute of Northern Ireland's Brian Caruth.
Jonathan Clark, said: "By sharing their experiences and helping their peers learn new skills via our 56 Local Institutes, 26 Personal Finance Society Regional Committees and five membership societies, run by CII and PFS members on a voluntary basis, these individuals are driving positive change in the profession and raising public trust in the power of insurance and financial planning to change lives for the better."