POSTPONED: Meet your council

Cherrybank Inn
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm (UK time)

Ever wanted to influence the future direction of your local CII Institute? Well, now’s your chance.

We are always open to receiving new ideas from our members and to help we are giving you the opportunity to meet Members of your Institute Council at the Cherrybank Inn, Perth, on Tuesday 24 March from 17:00.

Come along and tell us what you’d like to see more or less of, suggest topics for future talks, give us ideas on how we might put something back into the community or just to ask what the role of the Council is.

Everyone is welcome and we’d love you to come along and say “hello”, we’ll even buy you a drink. Please click on the link below to book a place.

  • Cherrybank Inn
  • 210 Glasgow Road
  • Perth
  • PH2 0NA
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