Annual General Meeting 2021

Tuesday, 06 April 2021
5:15 pm – 6:15 pm (UK time)

Your council invites you to attend the 2021 Annual General Meeting of The Insurance Institute of Plymouth and Cornwall. Hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members.

If you feel you could make a positive contribution, it is an ideal first step to becoming involved.

To reserve your "seat" and obtain log in details, please click through to the booking page
or contact the Secretary for more details


Ordinary Business

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the AGM held on 7th May 2020
  3. Annual Reports from Council
  4. Accounts for the year to 31 December 2020
  5. Appointment of an Examiner of Accounts
  6. Elections of Council


    Name of office bearer

    Name of proposed


    Jo Morgan

    Claire Longman

    Deputy President*

    Claire Longman



    Steve Clemence

    Steve Clemence


    Rachel Whiteside-Blaxter

    Rachel Whiteside-Blaxter

    Education Officer*

    Nat Brown

    Matt Jardine AND Jenny Warr (Joint)

    Social Officer*

    Tamsyn Saunders AND Janet Pryor (Joint)

    Tamsyn Saunders AND Janet Pryor (Joint)

    Dinner Secretary

    Venetia Hallam

    Venetia Hallam

    Membership Secretary

    Jenny Warr

    Jenny Warr

    Communications Officer

    Kay Short

    Kay Short

    Careers Officer & Education Champion

    Katie Harland

    Katie Harland AND

    Becky Blanchard

    Charities Officer

    Abbie Drown

    Abbie Drown

    Council Member - PFS Regional Chair

    Ged Dixon

    Ged Dixon

    Council Member - PFS Representative Cornwall

    Rosie Falco


    Council Member - PFS Representative Plymouth

    Simon Lake

    Simon Lake

    Deputy Dinner Secretary

    Deputy Treasurer

    Jayde Bassett

    Robyn Loftus-Calvert


    Robyn Loftus-Calvert

    Deputy Education Officer

    Jenny Warr

    Jo Morgan

    Diversity Officer

    Jenny Warr

    Jenny Warr

    Insurance Charities Representative

    Claire Longman

    Abbie Drown

    Regional Forum Officer

    Nat Brown

    Nat Brown

* Are members of the Development and Planning Group which reports to the full Council

Special Business

  1. Transfer of office
  2. Adopt new constitution
  3. Date of next year's AGM: April 6th 2022 6pm Venue TBA

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