Forthcoming events

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Critical business interruption insurance learnings for brokers following the Infinity Reliance judgement - Wednesday 8 January 12-1pm

  • Wed 08 Jan 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Alan Chandler ACII

Critical business interruption insurance learnings for brokers following the Infinity Reliance judgement One of the most important judgements in recent times relating to Bi insurance was made in the Infinity Reliance case, and brokers who fail to change their proceedings risk large Pi claims against them going forward. This case has shown brokers are very exposed to the following three areas: 1. If indemnity wordings are used rather than declaration linked. 2. Any broker guidance note must reflect the actual policy wording. 3. AICOW must be discussed when there are unusual exposures. Average was applied by Aviva to the Bi claim following a large loss, and the broker was held liable for most of the shortfall, which was nearly £3m, due to their failure on the above three points. This webinar, presented by Alan Chandler, one of the most popular presenters in the UK, looks to understand how brokers are exposed following this judgement and how to take practical steps to ensure the right procedures to mitigate these exposures. This webinar is a must for all broking staff and has significant relevance for underwriters and claims staff also.

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WEBINAR: Why underinsurance in home contents is so prevalent, and practical tips/tools to address it, January 28th at 10am

  • Tue 28 Jan 10:00 am – 11:00 am
    • Rachel Doerr, Doerr Dallas Valuations

Underinsurance is a major issue in the industry – many reports suggest that around 2/3 of homes are underinsured. Unfortunately, the same is often true for the contents in those homes. Why is this, and what can the industry do about it? Who is it for? This webinar is for: - Brokers and insurers who handle home contents insurance for MNW and HNW clients. - Brokers and insurers who insure assets such as art, silverware, trophies and fine wine for commercial customers (e.g. restaurants, hotels, charities, sports clubs, oƯices) - Claims handlers and loss adjusters who want to understand what to look for in, and risks around, valuations with which they may be presented - Compliance teams considering how to ensure clients and policyholders get the information they need to make informed decisions, and that they are treated fairly

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WEBINAR - An Overview of Insurance Law - February 11th, 2025 at 12:00

  • Tue 11 Feb 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

In this webinar we will undertake a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of insurance law. From the duties and obligations of brokers, underwriters and policyholders, through to key legislation and case law that applies throughout client journey, from proposals and disclosure through to claims and payments. This webinar will be of great help to anyone working with in the insurance industry and especially anyone studying the CII´s MO5 module.

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WEBINAR: Can We Trust AI in Insurance? February 18th, 2025 at 12:00

  • Tue 18 Feb 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
    • Jeff Heasman, Insurance Upskill

The issues of digital trust and responsible AI are amongst the most important issues facing the insurance industry. But what do we mean by digital trust and responsible AI? How does trust manifest itself in an increasingly digital and automated world? This webinar will address these critical issues and offer suggestions on what companies and individuals need to be doing now to ensure we do all we can to win customer trust and implement AI in a responsible way.

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