Fri 29 Oct. 2021
Comment regarding website issue experienced on 29 October

We can confirm that we experienced a technical issue affecting our website and MyCII platform this morning which commenced at 08.00 and was resolved by 10.45. Candidates who logged on to take their exams or receive their R06 results before 08.00 were unaffected, which included members who signed in globally.
We understand that 41 candidates who were due to undertake a variety of multiple-choice exams at 10.00 and at 10.30 have been impacted by this issue. We are in the process of contacting these impacted candidates and will be offering them a voucher in order to re book their sitting. This will be issued on Monday and the candidates will be able to book immediately for a time and sitting convenient to them. The candidates who were due to take their examinations at 11.00 have not been affected and all the results of the R06 examinations have been available since 10.45 this morning.
John Bissell, chief operating officer at the Chartered Insurance Institute, said “We apologise for the inconvenience and additional stress that this morning’s system outage has caused our members and students. Whilst we are still investigating the root cause of the issue, we can confirm that this was not a cyber-attack, and no breach of information has taken place.”