Tue 8 Mar. 2022
Anniversary of Local Institutes uniting

This year marks 125-years since local institutes came together to form the Federation which would later evolve into a professional body worthy of a Royal Charter – the Chartered Insurance Institute.
Our network of volunteers is as crucial now as they were back in 1897 – ensuring that the CIIs local membership proposition is developed to deliver technical CPD programmes, revision seminars and engagement initiatives across the UK.
This historic relationship demonstrates the amazing progress that can be achieved from the coming together of volunteers and the commitment they have for our local institutes and PFS committees.
From online technical CPD programmes through to mentoring activities your local institute is on hand to help you though every step of your career. Whether you are starting out in insurance or have been part of the profession for several years (or even decades) your local institute should be your first port of call when thinking about your ongoing professional development.
Our network of institutes now run the vast majority of their technical CPD programmes online ensuring that you can achieve your annual CPD at a touch of a button. Programmes cover a wide range of subjects and at varying levels; from climate change through to ESG there is something for everyone.
These technical CPD programmes are supported by engagement initiatives that allow our members to engage with peers and like-minded professionals locally – everything from young professional groups through to professional networking activities. All developed to ensure that members can profile themselves and be part of an ever-growing professional community