Tue 20 Feb. 2024
Achiever Award 2023

Achiever Awards
The Insurance Institute of Southampton Achiever of the Year Award 2023
The award is to publicly recognise and applaud outstanding achievement of the rising stars within the local Insurance and Financial Services industry. In addition to Employer nominations we will also be accepting ‘Self-nominations’ (supported by one reference [max.500 words]) direct from individuals who meet the criteria below.
The Insurance Institute of Southampton area includes Southampton, Portsmouth, Salisbury and Andover and all companies within this area, both large and small are invited to participate in the Achiever Award.
Nominees, who do not have to be existing CII/PFS Members:
- must have been working in the Insurance and Financial Services business and must be under the age of 35 as at 1st January 2023.
- can only be nominated or submit a nomination to one local institute Achiever Award in any one year.
Note: Finalists of the 2022 Achiever Award cannot apply for this year’s Achiever Award but are free to apply for the 2024 Achiever Award.
All eligible nominations will be adjudicated by a panel of up to six people comprising a representative from the Award Sponsor, plus up to five members of the Insurance Institute of Southampton Council and Education Committee. The panel will choose a short-list of three, from whom the overall winner will be chosen.
The panel will be looking for someone who:
* has made a considerable contribution to increasing “Insurance Professionalism” within the local institute area or the local community; &/or
* can demonstrate a commitment and achievement towards a sustainability agenda to support the industries goals in this critical area (via own job role or specific project engagement) in the workplace; &/or
* can demonstrate a commitment and achievement to support the industries goals on diversity & inclusion (via own job role or specific project engagement) in the workplace; &/or
* has demonstrated outstanding performance within their role; &/or
* can demonstrate a commitment and achievement towards their own personal and professional development.
The successful nominees who reach the final three are likely to be those who inspire the panel members and who can be considered as role models for their colleagues. The Nomination Form can be downloaded here and from the local institute website and requests details of why, in relation to the criteria indicated, the nominee is worthy of consideration by the panel. The nomination form should be completed and returned via email or post to Lee Smith, Insurance Institute of Southampton by the closing date of 7th June 2024.
Lee will acknowledge the responses, then collate all the entries and distribute them to the Panel.
All eligible nominees will receive a pin badge to mark their nomination for the Achiever Award
The three short-listed finalists selected by the panel will be invited to an Insurance Institute of Southampton Event - date/location to be confirmed as guests of the President and Council. At the event, details of the overall winner of the Achiever Award 2023 will be made public and the winner and the runners-up will be presented with their prizes by the Sponsor, supported by our President.
Ageas (UK) Limited has kindly agreed to sponsor this event awarding the following cash prizes together with a suitably inscribed trophy to our three finalists:
- 1st Prize £150
- 2nd Prize £100
- 3rd Prize £50
Please direct nominations marked Private & Confidential (Addressee Only) to: Lee Smith, Achiever Award Co-ordinator, The Insurance Institute of Southampton at either Email – Lee.Smith@ageas.co.uk or By Post – C/o Ageas, Ageas House, Hampshire Corporate Park, Templars Way, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO53 3YA
Sponsored by Ageas (UK) Limited