
Golf Day Results

Wed 26 Jul. 2017

We held our annual golf day on the 25th July. The winners were....

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Apprenticeship Facebook Live Streams

Tue 28 Mar. 2017

The Chartered Insurance Institute combined leading insurers, students and apprentices in a speed networking event to mark National Apprenticeships Week.

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Dinner Photos

Sun 5 Mar. 2017

Photos of the recent 2017 dinner are available by clicking on the link. We would like to thank all guests who attend and donated on the night, we are pleased to report we raised nearly £3000 on the night including gift aid.

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PFS Exam Study Courses

Sun 15 Jan. 2017

The Sussex Institute are running PFS exam study courses, Please contact them if you wish to attend, or visit the CII Sussex Institute website - details are shown below

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AGM date announced for Southampton CII

Sun 15 Jan. 2017

Our Annual General Meeting is on 5th April, giving you the opportunity to apply to sit on our council in a general capacity or in a dedicated role. That might be treasurer, secretary, or an officer responsible for education, membership or the organisation of the annual dinner (the first date people look for when the calendar is revealed). You might have experience and skills in careers guidance, or you might fancy a crack at running the sports & social side of things. Or maybe you fancy being exams co-ordinator – why not? It’s challenging and rewarding work. But, of course, you don’t need to stand for office. You can simply turn up to the AGM and hear first-hand reports from council members on previous and future activities and vote on the appointment of new council members. Democracy in action, CII-style! Find out what it's all about and how you can make a difference. If you would like to apply for any positions please contact the institute secretary Ian Fletcher at

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Mock Trial - What a Success

Sun 27 Nov. 2016

The second Mock Trial was held last week, with over 100 people attending. The mock motor accident trial was sponsored by Trewthowans, and the team from Albion Chambers acted as Judge, Barristers and Witnesses, for this three hour event. Many thanks to everyone involved, this event had great feedback from the attendees.

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