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Be seen: be heard: make an Impact VIRTUALLY

  • Wed 23 Sep 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Webinar

We welcome all members & guest to attend a lunch time webinar via Zoom which will be presented by Susan Heaton-Wright, who is an impact, communications and speaking expert for emerging leaders and the creator of the Superstar Communicator ™. Overview: With these changing times, we are all being forced to communicate virtually: conference calls, webinars, phone calls, as well as emails. In this interactive workshop, Susan uses the principles behind the Superstar Communicator ™ methodology to find specific techniques to ensure you are making an impact when communicating virtually.

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A day in the life of a Cyber-Insurance Forensic Accountant

  • Wed 16 Sep 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Webinar

Rajen has presented two recent seminars for our Institution in the past 18 months and he is returning due to popular demand. Your feedback indicates that you want to learn more about cyber insurance and that you value case studies for their practical benefits and real-life insights. Rajen will be running thorough some example cyber insurance claims which have involved loss of earnings and how the leveraging of data coupled with the understanding of the cash flows of the business can assist in calculating a realistic financial loss. This seminar also discusses the value-adds for brokers and for insurers. It explores cyber insurance from a claims point of view and provides material on this not-yet-widely-understood claim sector.

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Personal Injury Claims - Where Next? (Repeat of Previous Webinar due to technical difficulties)

  • Wed 09 Sep 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Webinar

Due to the unfortunate technical difficulties which were experienced when Bernard Thornton FCII, a Chartered Insurance Practitioner presented this webinar and at your request, Bernard has kindly agreed to present this webinar for us again. Therefore, we welcome back Bernard and welcome all members & guests to attend this lunch time webinar, via Zoom. Overview Over the last 30 years, few areas of the insurance market have seen such frequent and significant changes than that of personal injury claims. Various reforms have been introduced in attempts to tackle sensitive issues such as access to justice, fraud, legal fees and their effect on premium levels. Unsurprisingly these have generated strong feelings on all sides of the argument. The Civil Liability Act, now scheduled to take effect in April 2021, will introduce what are likely to be the most sweeping changes yet. This presentation looks at the background to the current market for injury claims and how it will be affected by the CLA. It predicts the likely consequences for insurers, intermediaries, claimants and the insuring public and takes into account other topical and disrupting factors in the Motor market such as Ogden, general claims inflation and now the dramatic onset of Covid-19. The webinar will be of value to those involved in Motor claims, underwriting, broking or anyone wishing to widen their knowledge of a highly topical and sometimes contentious aspect of general insurance.

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Resilience and Redundancy

  • Wed 26 Aug 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Webinar

Work is a big part of our identity. When our job changes or ends, how does that impact our sense of self? How can we navigate the choppy waters of change effectively? And how do we ensure the inner critic doesn’t have a field day?

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The Art of Disagreement

  • Thu 13 Aug 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Webinar

Disagreements are inevitable and they are often perceived in a negative light. However, through more honest and constructive conversations, a disagreement can be positive and even result in you retaining or winning new business. A culture in which disagreements are seen in a positive way will also encourage creativity and openness. This session will teach you how to recognise the "spark" that leads to a disagreement and then how to manage the interaction towards a positive outcome

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The Perfect Storm – how capacity is disappearing fast from the UK insurance market

  • Mon 27 Jul 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • Webinar

This presentation entitled The Perfect Storm, will be exploring why capacity is draining out of the UK insurance market and why we are moving into a very hard market where niche covers will be difficult to place. John Neal CEO Lloyd’s of London has estimated Covid-19 will cost the insurance industry $203 billion nearly twice that of Katrina, making it by far the worst incident ever in the history of insurance, no wonder Oliver Bate CEO of Global giant Allianz has used the expression ‘the virus has hit insurers like a meteorite’. It is difficult to imagine a worse start to a year for the UK insurance market than 2020, and the problem is that the market was already in all sorts of trouble coming into 2020!! The presentation will be delivered by Alan Chandler who is one of the most popular presenters in the UK insurance market. Alan will explore how Solvency II, the recent stock market crash, the Ogden change, soft rating, recent floods and now Bi and Covid-19 have all combined to create the perfect storm and how rates will have to significantly increase with many high risk businesses facing the prospect of getting no alternative quotes. The webinar will allow for Q&A's at the end.

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