President's Message

Welcome to the Insurance Institute of Sussex website.

For someone who has spent their entire career working in insurance, it is a privilege to accept the role of President.  I am delighted to have the opportunity to lead our institute over the coming year, to build on our previous achievements and engage with as many of our members as possible.  I will serve with honour, dignity and deliver progress.  

My key areas of focus for the next 12 months will be:

  • women in insurance – there is plenty more to do on this topic

  • neurodiversity – an interesting and challenging subject that we must see as an opportunity for a forward thinking sector

  • mental health and wellbeing – to continue our good work with the support we offer already but to evolve this to an even higher standard, with particular emphasis on the most vulnerable

I look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions for our institute, especially regarding our events programme and how we can assist insurance and financial services businesses in Sussex, likewise professionals at all stages of their careers. We would also like to continue encouraging young people into our industry through outreach to local schools and colleges.  Please get in touch - I am always keen to listen and ensure that we are delivering what is needed and is relevant to our members, and to bring about positive change.

Darren Pollard
President at the Insurance Institute of Sussex