Virtual Brighton Underground Show
Caves, Sewers and Tunnels
With the second lockdown in England requiring us all to stay at home, the Insurance Institute of Sussex is delighted to give its members the chance to join Nick Richmond, tour guide extraordinaire, for a virtual journey under the streets of Brighton.
Planned primarily for our Seniors but open to all, Nick will use pictures and eyewitness accounts, as we
explore the tunnels beneath the Pavilion (and separate the truth from the myth)
follow the course of the magnificent Brighton sewer system
find secret entrances and exits to smugglers’ caves and
hear about railway disasters
Online Booking
The virtual tour is expected to last about two hours (including a break midway through) and is an opportunity to enjoy another of Nick’s Sussex guided tours, this time online and from the warmth and comfort of your own home using Zoom technology.
If you would like to join us, please use our online booking system by clicking on the Book Now button below.
This event is bookable per Zoom login and is free to all CII/PFS members (non-members £3). Please note that the content means that it is unlikely to be suitable for children under the age of 12.
Please also make sure that you have your CII PIN handy, as this will be required to take advantage of the free offer.
Zoom access details will be sent by email once you have booked.
To view our image and video capture consent statement, please click here.