The Insurance Institute of York
In 1888 the Insurance Institute of Yorkshire was formed; it was based in Leeds with representatives from around Yorkshire. In 1930 the York Centre was formed to meet the growing interest of insurance staff in and around York. The first president was Sir James Hamilton JP FCII of Yorkshire Insurance Company. In 1950, following a special general meeting, The Insurance Institute of York was formed with its own constitution as outlined in the draft model constitution for local institutes submitted by the Chartered Insurance Institute. The first president was A D Gladwin Esq JP FCCA ACIS of Yorkshire Insurance Company.
It was in 1999 that our first lady president Liz Coyle BSc (Hons) ACII of CGU Life was elected. In 2005 Peter Hales ACII Norwich Union Life was elected national president of the Chartered Insurance Institute. In 2005 Stephen C S Wilkinson FCII APFS CFP Cert CII (MP) was awarded an Exceptional Service medal and Veronica Wilkinson Cert CII was awarded a Distinguished Service medal by the Chartered Insurance Institute and in 2012 Veronica was awarded the Exceptional Service Medal from the Chartered Insurance Institute. In 2018 Veronica was awarded "The Bridgewater Award". In 2008 Liz Coyle BSc (Hons) ACII APFS MCMI was awarded a Chartered Insurance Institute Distinguished Service medal and in 2010 received the Exceptional Service Medal from the Chartered Insurance Institute.
2010 marked the 60th anniversary of the Insurance Institute of York.
The picture shows the Annual Dinner 1960; pictured left to right, first on the left is Mr Gerald Pattison, second on the left is Alec Freeman, third in is Mr Silversides (Yorkshire Insurance), fifth in is Sir Dunnington - Jefferson and sixth is Mr A D Gladwin (President of the Insurance Institute York - Yorkshire Insurance). If anyone can name the other people in the photograph please contact us!