Past Presidents








Past President

Sharon Atkins

Craig McPherson

Dave Lawson

Asif Sadullah

Sharon Atkins

Claire Johnson


Cert CII


Chartered Financial Planner

Cert CII

Dip CII Cert CII (MP & ER)


Illingworth Insurance & Financial Services

Sanlam/ Regency Wealth


Pen Life

Illingworth Insurance & Financial Services

Illingworth Insurance & Financial Services

2010-2012 S C S Wilkinson FCII APFS Cert CII (MP & ER) Charles Wilkinson Financial Planning Ltd
2009-2010 Mrs B Mills ACII Bluefin Insurance Group
2008-2009 V Wilkinson Cert CII Charles Wilkinson Financial Planning Ltd
2007-2008 E Coyle BSc Hons ACII APFS MCMI Norwich Union


R Fletcher


Norwich Union


Mrs B Mills


Smart & Cook Insurance Brokers Limited

2004-2005 T Bellin MMS., Euro I.E. BA Insurance Services Group
2003-2004 Mrs R Bellin BA Insurance Services Group
2002-2003 J Williams MSFA Norwich Union Life
2001-2002 V Wilkinson Charles Wilkinson Insurance Brokers
2000-2001 D I Hamilton Esq ACII MCI Arb Smart and Cook Insurance Brokers
1999-2000 E Coyle BSc Hons ACII APFS MCMI CGU Life
1998-1999 SCS Wilkinson FCII Charles Wilkinson Insurance Brokers
1997-1998 SP Evans MA (Oxon) ACII GA Life Assurance
1996-1997 DJ Ballantyne FCII GA Life Assurance
1995-1996 LB Davidson MSTI GAB Robins UK Ltd
1994-1995 JW Somerville ACII MIM NFU Mutual
1993-1994 DA Roberts ACII GA Life Assurance
1992-1993 NJR Eleanor TD BA (Hons) GA Life Assurance
1991-1992 JB Pollock ACII FCILA McLarens
1990-1991 MD Smith LLB (Hons) FCII GA Life Assurance
1989-1990 I Hogg BA FCII GA Life Assurance
1988-1989 FW Anderson BA (Hons) FCII Shepherd Group Ltd
1987-1988 PV Rosser Acomb Insurance Centre
1986-1987 LJ Cantlay TD FCII Thomson Barrett
1985-1986 NN Harvey Prudential
1984-1985 JDK Philp ACII GA Life Assurance
1983-1984 JA Unwin ACII Yorkshire General
1982-1983 CW Crozier ACII Royal
1981-1982 D Bulmer FCII Prudential
1980-1981 GAH Salter Denison and Co Ltd
1979-1980 N Webster ACII ALIA Bolton Corder Ltd
1978-1979 J Scarfe ACII Rowntree Mackintosh
1977-1978 AB Mott ELA Yorkshire General
1976-1977 KW Hamling ACII Eagle Star
1975-1976 M Benzimra LLB FCII Royal
1974-1975 LMC Robinson ACII Yorkshire General
1973-1974 RH Dixon FCII Sun Alliance and London
1972-1973 TMJ Rioardan MM Prudential
1971-1972 CR Fisher ACII Yorkshire General
1970-1971 GEC Stott FCII National Farmers Union
1969-1970 BR Addinall ACII ACIS Yorkshire General
1968-1969 HS Armstrong Royal
1967-1968 ELT Hunter Yorkshire
1966-1967 J Prest ACII Yorkshire
1965-1966 GH Pattison ACII Yorkshire
1964-1965 CE Abel ACII Farmers Finance
1963-1964 GI Green FCII, AIAS Yorskhire
1962-1963 I Winn ACII National Farmers Union
1961-1962 R Mackrory ACII Yorkshire
1960-1961 RB Gow ACCA, ACII Yorkshire
1959-1960 AD Gladwin FCCA, ACIS Yorkshire
1958-1959 ER Wilson FCII Sun
1957-1958 AI Oxtoby FCII National Farmers Union
1956-1957 AF Freeman ACII Ocean
1955-1956 FG White ACII Yorkshire
1954-1955 GA Davis ACII National Farmers Union
1953-1954 CE Quickfall FCCA Yorkshire
1952-1953 H Thorp ACII Yorkshire
1951-1952 J McDermott ACII Norwich Union
1950-1951 AD Gladwin JP, FCCA, ACIS Yorkshire
The Insurance Institute of Yorkshire
1949-1950 AG Bellwood FCII ACIS Yorkshire
1948-1949 F Dyson Commercial Union
1947-1948 GL Green FCII Yorkshire
1946-1947 JW Potter ACII National Farmers Union
1945-1946 JW Potter ACII National Farmers Union
1939-1940 JW Potter ACII National Farmers Union
1938-1939 A Harrower JP FFA Yorkshire
1937-1938 R Rhodes FCII Warden
1936-1937 RP Parry Prudential
1935-1936 S Burrows FFA Yorkshire
1934-1935 S Burrows FFA Yorkshire
1933-1934 R Cowling FCII Yorkshire
1932-1933 SK Morey National Farmers Union
1931-1932 C Barker AFI Prudential
1930-1931 Sir James Hamilton JP FCII Yorkshire